Saturday, June 30, 2012

Final Preparations

I leave Indianapolis for Buenos Aires in 3 hours. I think it's finally starting to hit me.

I've been really excited for this trip for the last week. Today has been a little different, what with a scare of having my checked suitcase weigh over 50 pounds (the allotted amount), printing boarding passes, and knowing that this trip is about to happen.

I feel a little like I should have been preparing more for this trip by studying Argentine culture and preparing for the classes I'll be taking down there. At this point, I don't get much of a say about how well I've prepared. I'm leaving in 3 hours, and we'll see how well 9 years of Spanish classes have prepared me for this trip.

I have 3 big things that I'm hoping to come out of this trip. One is a renewal in my Catholic faith. Argentina is a majority Catholic country, but not many of the residents practice their faith actively. Being completely on my own in a foreign country for 6 weeks is going to force me to rely solely on the Lord to be my comfort and protection. The second thing I'm hoping for is an improvement in my writing. I took a creative writing class during the spring semester, and it made me realize how much I want to write. With my schedule, it's been a struggle to write as much as I'd like to, so I'm hoping by continuing this blog and journaling will help improve my writing from here on out. The last thing I'm hoping for is an increase in my confidence as a student, future teacher, and citizen. I want my use of the Spanish language to improve, but I also want to understand how my future students who are struggling to learn English as a second language will feel in my classroom. I'll be living in a city while in Argentina, but I've grown up in suburban Indiana. Living in a city would be a big enough challenge for me, but I'm asking myself to do that in a city that doesn't speak my native language. It's scary, but I'm excited to see what comes of it.

That's a quick synopsis of my thoughts before I leave the country. I'll keep sharing my thoughts and experiences once I get settled in Rosario!